Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who am I you ask?

I know who I am.

I’ve seen where I’ve been

and where I am headed.

But who am I,

where did I come from

and what am I doing here?

these are the questions still lingering in my mind.

A wise soul told me the other day…

live your dream before your dream kills you.

I am a dreamer, and my dreams vary like a child with “ADD”.

And in my dreams I am much bigger than reality.

Ah ha! So there it is…the wall of reality..

in my face hunting me down…

every time I take a step through it

it reappears in front of me…

learning to balance with this wall is my destination

the wall is cold

solid and deep set

my dreams are warm

soft and uplifting.

Turning everyday life into lucidity is a mission

..staying in the eye of one

even more of a challenge...

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